For many years, Maïsadour has been working alongside its members to develop farms that are increasingly concerned with animal welfare and farmers’ working conditions.

Agroforestry is a real solution that consists of planting trees on plots of land with little or no woodland, with multiple benefits for the animals, the land and the people. Maïsadour encourages farmers to plant trees in their fields through agroforestry training, the preparation of funding applications, and support and monitoring of plantations. Many members have been able to benefit from regional or national aid and from the expertise of our teams.
Since 2021, 42 projects have been launched, with a total of more than 17,000 trees planted on poultry and palmiped farms in four departements. A great success!
Useful for the well-being of animals, the land and people, agroforestry is also a response to other challenges facing agriculture in the future, such as adapting to climate change, preserving biodiversity, helping to store water in the soil and combating erosion.
It was therefore important for Maïsadour to go even further than its initial objectives. Agroforestry is now part of a global approach to creating agro-environmental paths.

There are three objectives : to continue the development of agroforestry on farms, but also to explore the advantages of agroforestry on ecosystems and thus meet legitimate societal expectations.
To this end, cross-functional working groups have been set up on several topics – range management, subsidy research, animal welfare, income and farmer welfare, soil quality, landscape, biodiversity, carbon storage, etc. – to bring together all of the Group’s activities (animal production, plant production, etc.) for coordinated discussions and actions.

At the same time, there is no let-up in our projects on the ground:
Employees are becoming increasingly interested and involved, as shown by the very nice gesture of Delpeyrat employees and Animal Production teams who, in February, took part in the planting of hedges on the farm of one of our members in Sainte-Colombe (near Hagetmau).
Our brands carry out sponsorship to enhance the value of their actions. For example, the Marie Hot project, carried out this autumn, enabled the financing of over 700 trees. Finally, our teams continue to actively support our farmers in their search for subsidies to launch their agroforestry project.
Through these actions, our Group is reaffirming its ambitions to develop an agriculture that is increasingly respectful of animals, the land and people.