Asparagus: a fine 2023 season and stronger ambitions to develop the sector

Maisadour Group
Maïsadour, the 2nd largest producer of asparagus in the Landes region, has reported a positive harvest of white and green asparagus under official quality certification. These good results confirm the Cooperative's determination to develop this sector by recruiting new producers.
producer of Landes asparagus
0 nd
Cooperative member producers
tonnes of asparagus harvested on average each year
hectares of Landes sand asparagus production area
Arthur Zamanski producteur d'asperges

1540 tonnes harvested. The asparagus season has come to a close for Maïsadour members. “The results are more than satisfactory, with an increase of 60 tonnes on the previous year”, enthuses Lucie Gemain, Agronomic Manager for Fresh Vegetables and New Crops at Maïsadour.

The growers’ asparagus was distributed in supermarkets, hypermarkets and specialty stores under the Priméale brand, as well as via the Group’s own channels in the Herm store (40) and, to order, in the 11 En Direct de Nos Producteurs boutiques. On May 1st, the Cooperative was also present, as it is every year, at the famous Fête de l’asperge in Pontonx-sur-l’Adour (40), where customers turned out in force: over 1.6 tons of asparagus were sold!

A structured industry in search of new producers

Thanks to its know-how, Maïsadour is able to enhance the value of this emblematic Landes vegetable: in 15 years, volumes processed have increased 3-fold. The advantages of asparagus are numerous: production is perfectly adapted to our region (sandy soils, proximity to the ocean, mild climate…), an exceptional and sought-after product, a profitable business…

Asparagus is a fine illustration of what VEGA* Maïsadour stands for: “Végétale Expertise de la Graine à l’Assiette”. We provide expertise throughout the value chain, from farmer to end consumer.

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Aujourd’hui, 30 producteurs adhérents, dont 10 jeunes agriculteurs, cultivent une surface de plus de 300 hectares. « Nous nous attachons à faire grandir cette filière locale de manière durable en développant de nouveaux hectares en asperges blanches et vertes », précise Lucie Gemain.

Pour poursuivre cette ambition, et encouragé par les dernières récoltes, Maïsadour recherche de nouveaux producteurs. VEGA* Maïsadour, activité végétale du Groupe, propose ainsi un accompagnement à l’agriculteur de l’amont à l’aval, du choix des variétés jusqu’à la collecte, en passant par les conseils pour la récolte.

Maisadour Group

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