Saramon: an ambitious project
After Condom, Saramon is next! Located about 20 kilometers from Auch, the other Fermiers du Gers site has launched a modernization project. This project will be carried out in two phases: the first, the result of a 1 million euro investment, was launched this summer and will be completed in early 2023. It focuses on a 300 square meter expansion of the cutting area. The second phase is currently undergoing a technical study and, once completed, will make the processes even more modern and efficient, provide more ergonomic workstations and improve the site’s energy efficiency. In total, an ambitious project of more than 1,000 square meters is planned.
Thanks to its 105 employees and its twenty or so temporary workers, Saramon currently produces 120,000 poultry a week, yellow and white chicken or Red Label guinea fowl. Fermiers du Gers is the only company that markets IGP Gers poultry, a recognized label which, despite successive poultry crises, has retained the confidence of all its customers.

Saramon mobilizes for the festivities
As the end of the year approaches, the Saramon teams are more mobilized than ever. The site plays a key role in the preparation of the festive season. In particular, it specializes in the production of “effilés”, a product in which the offal is preserved for preparation by the butcher, directly in front of the consumer.
In total, between December 10 and 21, nearly 70,000 festive poultry will be processed at Saramon. They will be sold to regional supermarkets, to the traditional sector (wholesalers, butchers, etc.) and also to local authorities for the organization of Christmas meals, with the aim of being as close as possible to consumer expectations.
When you taste your festive poultry in the next few days, think of Saramon!