Landes asparagus now boasts the Label Rouge label
The official announcement was made at the Paris 2024 International Agricultural Show.
Landes asparagus has been a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) since 2005, and is now the 5th Label Rouge for Landes agriculture.

Engagée depuis plus de quinze ans dans une filière asperges sous le signe d’une qualité 100 % locale, la Coopérative Maïsadour produit chaque année plus de 1 500 tonnes d’asperges vertes et blanches sur le territoire landais grâce à ses 28 adhérents.

Would you like to try our Landes asparagus?
Visit Maïsadour’s Station Légumes at the following address : 711 route de Cluquelardit – Herm.
The store is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and Saturday, 9am to 12pm.
Here are the main technical characteristics that asparagus production must meet to qualify for this label:
Geographical origin : Asparagus must be produced in a specific geographical area, with plots composed of at least 75% fine and coarse sand.
Authorized varieties : Authorized varieties are often selected for their taste qualities and their adaptation to the local terroir.
Cultivation techniques : Specific cultivation practices include planting methods, irrigation and fertilization requirements, and pest and disease control measures.
Grading and sorting : Asparagus must be graded and sorted according to precise size criteria.
Harvest at optimum ripeness : Asparagus must be harvested by hand and dispatched within 48 hours of the day of harvest. The time between harvesting and chilling should not exceed 4 hours.
Packaging and presentation : The packaging (wrapping and labeling) and presentation of asparagus must also comply with specific standards.
Traceability and quality control : A rigorous traceability system must be put in place to track asparagus from production to marketing. Quality controls are carried out on a regular basis.