Volailles du Périgord

The volailles du Périgord are raised according to old practices, transmitted and preserved because of their positive impact on the quality of life of the poultry in their environment and therefore the final quality of the marketed products.

Our history

Mobilized for more than 50 years around quality, the Périgord poultry chain is committed to defending and promoting Origin and Quality poultry from the Périgord on the basis of strict production and origin rules guaranteeing that their poultry are – raised in Périgord – slaughtered in Périgord – cut in Périgord.

The quality and taste specificity of poultry are forged not only by the respect of the breeding conditions the breeders imposed to themselves, but also by their traditional know-how and their skills as breeders, attentive to the behavior of their poultry and their welfare.


The specificity of the poultry from the Périgord

  • Raised, slaughtered, cut and packed in a delimited production area: the Périgord
  • From slow-growing, traditional breed, adapted to be outdoor all year round, and able to feed on low agronomic quality places
  • Fed with a plant and cereal-based feed, supplemented with protein, minerals and vitamins
  • Enjoying grassy or woody places
  • Monitored by a careful breeder

Red label

Created in 1992, the volailles du Périgord brand has the Red Label.


PGI Label: Protected Geographical Indication.


Traceability of the product ensured by its origin from the Périgord and by compliance with strict specifications.

Natural feed

Poultry fed with a plant and cereal-based feed, supplemented with protein, minerals and vitamins.