The long-awaited arrival of a vaccination solution against avian influenza is now a reality. This is a major challenge to protect industries that have been tested by several years of crisis. Thanks to meticulous preparation, Maïsadour's teams are working with farmers on this vaccination campaign.
Influenza aviaire
Daniel Peyraube (1st l.) with Minister Marc Fesneau (2nd r.) in Horsarrieu (Landes) - © Le Sillon

Maïsadour on the field

Vaccination : here it starts !

On Monday 2 October, Marc Fesneau, the French Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, visited our region to launch the national avian influenza vaccination campaign.

Daniel Peyraube, Chairman of Maïsadour, was present and was able to talk to the Minister.

On Thursday 5 October, it was the turn of our Managing Director, Christophe Bonno, to visit a farm in Montsoué (Landes) to witness the vaccination operations.

This campaign, a first in Europe, was eagerly awaited. It makes France the first major exporting country to deploy a system to reinforce farm protection.

Farmers and teams are counting on this solution to help them return to more peaceful production.

Christophe Bonno dans un élevage à Montsoué
Christophe Bonno (from behind) at a farm in Montsoué (Landes)

Who needs to be vaccinated?

Vaccination is compulsory for farms with more than 250 ducks (Muscovy, Mulard and Peking) whose products (meat and foie gras) are intended for sale. This applies to the whole of mainland France, with the exception of Corsica.

A great collective effort

To ensure the campaign is rolled out effectively, a real synergy has been built up over the last few months between the various parties involved (administrative teams, technical teams, vaccination operators, etc.).

Upstream, the teams worked with the veterinarians on an extensive traceability system for vaccinated animals. As for the operational implementation of the vaccine, vaccination teams have been recruited, staff and farmers have been trained, and extensive work has been carried out on logistics and schedules.

Around 150,000 animals (including boosters) will be vaccinated each week at our farmers’ premises. Maïsadour is determined to do everything in its power to ensure the success of this vaccination campaign.


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