Agralia la liberté d'entreprendre
Specialist in crop production and a major agrosupply operator, Agralia brings all its expertise in the marketing of cereals and oilseeds.

Brand history

Agralia is the result of the merger, in 2001, of 3 trading structures bought by Maïsadour during the 1990s: SOCOMAF-AGRILAND in Saint-Paul-lès-Dax, Éts DUPOUY in Montaut, and Éts DESCAL in Pomarez. From this merger, we have created a new entity with a new project, a new corporate culture, values and a signature with a strong meaning: Agralia, the freedom to develop. In this brand name, there is the prefix “agra” to remind the field in which we work (agriculture), and the suffix “alia” which means the alliance of 3 distinct structures that are now one.

Agralia mission

Our mission is to collect corn (and other cereals) and to provide agrosupplies to our farmer customers in some departments of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitania (33, 40, 47, 64, 32).

La gamme Services & OAD d'AGRALIA

En parallèle de l’activité agrofourniture et collecte, Agralia développe une gamme Services & OAD dans le but d’améliorer le quotidien des agriculteurs.

The Service & DST range of Agralia is made of

  • Be Api: precision farming, the right dose in the right place;
  • Irri’Farm: irrigation management, to protect water resources;
  • Connected weather sensors: make the weather rain and shine with the connected weather station;
  • Note’Farm: the electronic plain book, to record practices in accordance with the regulation;
  • Climate insurance: insuring farmers’ crops to secure and ensure the sustainability of their farms;
  • Ferti’Farm: the provisional manure plan, to optimize fertilization management.

Visit agralia e-commerce website