Being a Maïsadour member

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Maïsadour supports the member farmers on a daily basis and allows them to improve their farm performance and sustainability.

What is a member?

Member, associate, partner, cooperator:

under these different words, farmers are actors and owners of their Cooperative by a subscription to the share capital corresponding to their activities: delivery of agricultural products, purchase of agrosupplies, use of services, animal production, purchase of animal nutrition, etc.


Benefits of being a member

Are you a farmer, a winegrower, and do you wonder about the interest to join Maïsadour?
Discover all the benefits of being a member.


A network of 139 advisors

The teams of advisors and technicians are specialized in an area, whether it is in crop or animal production. They put their expertise at your service and support you on a daily basis. Their role: helping you to improve the sustainability of your production and more broadly of your farm.


An e-ma personal digital space

With the e-MA extranet, stay 100% connected with your Cooperative. Access to your services 24/7 and/or follow your activity remotely safely wherever you are.


A young member charter

Maïsadour makes sure to support the farmers of tomorrow. The young member farmers can benefit during 6 years from the aid provided by the Young Member Charter with a scheme covering several types of production and several aids. 


An agri’acteur charter

In 2019, in order to strengthen the relation between the members and their Cooperative, a group of Agri'Acteurs members signed a charter defining the contours of their commitment.
The Agri'Acteurs are Maïsadour’s relays to discuss strategy and operational developments.


Involvement rewarded with the member performance bonus

Since 2017, the involvement of members of the Cooperative has been rewarded at the end of each year. Maïsadour provides its members with training and several tools to help them improve their performance. Each member wishing to invest themselves in these actions is rewarded by the “Member Performance Bonus”.


A telephone line dedicated to Proxi’ma and Proxi’vitis


  • order for supply/replenishment
  • express delivery at your place
  • delivery tracking
  • information on the status of your member account
  • information on the climate insurance assistance.

Good reasons to be a member


To ensure your market and guarantee your incomes

Through its status as a Cooperative, Maïsadour ensures the market for the productions of its members and thus guarantees their incomes. Therefore, it contributes to local development by creating economic activities and jobs.


Being an actor of your territory

BECOMING AGRI’ACTEUR: A strong commitment for the life of their Cooperative and its territory.


Easing your installation

Maïsadour offers you a dedicated help and support, intended to ease your installation and your integration into the Cooperative.


Ensuring the future

The mission of the Cooperative is to help the farmers to face the challenges of tomorrow and to preserve the profitability of their operations, while taking into account social, societal and environmental expectations.


Being more performant

Maïsadour offers the farmer a full range of technological and digital solutions allowing to improve the economic performance of the productions while preserving the environment.


Living and deciding in a democracy

The democratic principle is symbolized by the “one partner, one vote” rule, meaning each cooperative partner has an equal right to vote at the general meeting, regardless of the amount of capital and product contributions.

Valuing and securing the members’ productions

Although the world market defines the prices of cereals production, the Cooperative works to continuously improve the remuneration of its producers. It sets production contracts with quality criteria for the farmers on predefined surfaces. These contract crop productions contribute significantly to the agricultural incomes. 

Innovation: the cooperative DNA

Maïsadour has always been a pioneer in many areas. The Cooperative is constantly innovating to create value, improve its productions and meet the expectations of its members, customers and consumers. Integrated into our corporate project, innovation is a necessary condition for the development and sustainability of the Group. As essential relays, farmers can be pilots on projects to develop new services, new practices or new varieties.

Our local anchorage

The farmers and the employees take part in the creation of economic, social and sustainable wealth in the South-West of France territory. Maïsadour regroups approximately 3,500 members in the South-West of France. With them, the Cooperative maintains close relations throughout its territory.

5,000 member farmers including

Seed producers
Contract crop producers

With 7 territorial sections spread over 10 departments